Modern Stars

Modern Stars is an eclectic post-rock group consisting of Andrea Merolle, Barbara Margani, and Andrea Sperduti. Andrea and Andrea played in several bands of the underground scene, while Barbara is an accomplished soprano.

Modern Stars’ music is from a deep and dark place enshrouded in psychedelic fuzz and drips of the bulwark bands of the underground scene.

“Lord I’m Ready” (a track off Modern Stars’ Silver Needles album) is about the evolving nature of life, getting old and gray, and preparing oneself to die.

Aerial grooviness and a bizarre, yet distorted and dissonant undertone could perhaps sum up this hypnotic track of mystical lore.

A drum machine, driving synths, a bass, and electric guitars complete the sonic ensemble of this deep and driving track.

Follow Modern Stars on Spotify, and be sure to give our YouTube channel in order to discover more fresh music of the underground.


Published by

Ellis Walker

Poet and freelance journalist.

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