Tommy Nelson

Tommy Nelson (no, not the evangelical pastor from the deep murky waters of YouTube) is a psychedelic artist out of Chicago, Illinois.

Tommy’s latest single is entitled “The Psychic Cake Mix”. The iridescent track is a radical reflection of an individual who has taken the dive and eaten the forbidden fruit. Yes my friend, it’s a strung-out psychedelic slowburner that reminds us of nothing, really. And, we think that’s a beautiful thing.

So, if originality is what you’re after, Tommy, well then we think you’ve nailed it perfectly. If such a paradoxical word of perfection even really exists… Nevertheless, get lost in the hypnotic vibrations of Tommy Nelson’s freshest track off the old weary noggin of the creative un·con·scious.

As one may brood upon the ornate complexities of our supposed reality, Tommy’s latest track is intended to take the listener on a surrealist, melancholic sonic journey, enveloping us in cascading layers of brisk guitars and smooth synths that explode into a frenetic climax. Or so he once said…

Indeed, the masterpiece is a lo-fi, psychedelic backscattering of a feverish dream of sorts. A dream we may all be experiencing this very moment. In some form or another.

Tommy’s track “The Psychic Cake Mix” is now available on Spotify, Apple Music, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, and just about everywhere else music is available. And, will also soon air on our radio show. Now hold on tight, and don’t let the bedbugs bite. We’ll be back soon.


Published by

Charles Johnson

Independent journalist from Far West Texas.

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